Our Story

Ga Samai (literally Ga Symbols) are endangered ancient proverbial symbols which embodies wisdom, rich concepts, sayings, and proverbs that needs to be preserved and transferred to the next generation.

These symbols belong to the Ga tribe of Accra, Ghana, the symbols are like  the Adinkra symbols of the Akans. Sadly, the Ga people of Accra which is the capital of Ghana have had several aspects of their linguistic tradition and culture, the Samai being one of them, at risk due to rapid urbanisation and globalisation of Accra. We have this burning desire to tell the world about these endangered symbols using fashion, which is what inspired the creation of Kaimor London.

The name came easily as Kaimor means “Remember” in the Ga language of Ghana.
Our aim is to celebrate and promote the culture and symbols through our designs. To encourage people to learn more about it and hope when they become more aware of the story behind their jewellery and accessories and the rich cultural heritage, they will begin to use them more and help save these endangered symbols.  

We are passionate about honoring and celebrating African culture, by using our platform to share stories about African traditions and art forms. Kaimor London also gives back to the community by donating a portion of our profits to African charities and organisations.